re:Bloom Design Process

Empathize — Week 1

Goal: Come to shared understanding with your client

Look at your client’s peers:

  • What do they do well?
  • What content do they put on their web pages?

Focus Questions: Who are Youtube’s customer? What are Youtube’s competitors like?

Define — Week 2

Goal: Have a clear vision of an ending state for your website

Look into the user flow:

  • How does the user navigate from point A to point B?
  • What are different ways can users get there?
  • Create a site map, a customer journey map

Focus Questions: On the H&M website, how can a user purchase an item? What if the user changes their mind?

Ideate — Weeks 2-3

Goal: Lay out content

Focus on content:

  • What content goes on each page of your site map?
  • What are the assets you will need?
  • Make sure to factor in branding as your brainstorm content
  • Create a design guide

Prototype — Weeks 3-4

Goal: Draft up a wireframe for your solution

Jargon: What is a wireframe? What is “lo-fi”?

Look into the user flow:

  • How does the user navigate from point A to point B?
  • What are different ways can users get there?
  • Create a site map, a customer journey map

Focus Questions: On the H&M website, how can a user purchase an item? What if the user changes their mind?

Final Draft — Weeks 4-5

Goal: Create a finalized wireframe to show clients and get final approval

Jargon: What is “mid-fi”? What is “hi-fi”?

As you create your final draft:

  • Consider the user flow
  • Feedback you received
  • The platform you will be using

Focus Questions: “Mid-fi” or “hi-fi” and when to use it?

User Testing — ~Week 5

Goal: Get user feedback before you implement.

How do we user test?

  • Around week 5
  • Get 5-10 users (the more the better) to test
  • Let users walk through the design
  • Talk less, listen more

Focus Questions: What are ways we go about user testing? How do we approach user testing?


Client A has reached out for us to build a website. She provides us with the following information:

  • Her mission statement is sustainable clothing.
  • Her product is selling backpacks made from recycled materials.
  • Her current logo is blue and orange.

Using steps 1-3, create the first fold of her website. Be ready to share!